Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hasidim Vs. Hipsters

My friend posed this questions to me which I felt compelled to answer: Who would win in large scale conflic, Hasidim or Hipsters?

When considering who might be victorious, Hasidim or Hipsters, in a large scale conflict, you must first look at the history of these two, largely peaceful, cultures and determine from there who might have the primary advantage.

In this case, favor goes to the Hasidim. Despite their appearance and docile behavior during the last century or so, the Jews have a wealth of historical war experiences to draw upon. They possess unity through persecution and even at their most cosmopolitan, are prone to fierce tribal regressions. Under the right conditions, these people can re-learn the ways of war.

Hipsters on the other hand, as far as they are commonly defined anyhow, have no unifying factor or ancestry from which to draw power. Their culture is ethereal, based on no concrete doctrine, and promotes the aggressive development of individual identity. While this in itself is no great wrong, it weakens the Whole and saps the will to fight. Hipsters, like a delicate moss, also grew in the soft confines of highly developed urban cultures under the protection of wealth and law. They have faced comparatively little persecution and hardship. For these reasons, I believe that the Hasidim would eventually dominate the forces of Hip.

I think I went pretty easy on those weak, directionless consumer vessels.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Who but the Men of Science will master the Universe?

He who parts the Atom, can part the Ocean, and the Stars themselves!